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In my kitchen…


… is an exciting used book store find – Mastering the Art of French Cooking Book 1 by Julia Child, Louisette Bertholle, and Simone Beck. I got it for a stunningly cheap $14.50 and just had to have it. This month I hope to read it through cover to cover. It does such a wonderful job telling the reader the practical reasons behind why we do what we do in the kitchen.

In my kitchen…


… is a little tub of black truffle butter. I have yet to find a recipe worthy of it’s awesomeness. I want the butter to be the star of the recipe. Any ideas?

In my kitchen…


… is a Minneola tangelo. This little baby is a new variety carried by my grocery and is a cross between a tangerine and a grapefruit. I just had to try one. Characterized by an easy to remove peel, this citrus is sweet with only a mild tartness. Best of all- no seeds!

Sorry this month’s In My Kitchen is so short. There are a bunch of new ideas but nothing tangible enough to photograph. Stay tuned for future awesome posts devoted to NOLA cuisine and bachelor friendly food. Thanks for stopping by and be sure to check out figjamandlimecordial for more In My Kitchen posts.